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This is what we love the most - what people say about us...

We strive for the absolute best care possible.  As such, we ask for feedback from everybody who uses our services.  We score all questions between 1 (poor) and 6 (outstanding).  Thus far, nobody has scored anything from 0 to 4.  We have 8 x 5 and an astonishing 368 x 6. 


Here are some of the comments that people have said about our care:


- I felt very involved.  It's the little things that are so important and you helped with all of them.


- Very practical, I appreciate always being asked [about what I want].


- You were excellent in the assessment, very thorough.  I feel free to say what I want and what I really like.


- You spent a lot of time, explained all well.  You were always encouraging 'T' to do things for himself, which helped his recovery


- You treat me very well, you respect me and I feel safe.  Staff really respect me as a person.  They looked after us and cared for us very, very well.


- We will always be grateful for the support, care and kindness that you showed to mum and dad in those final years and months. 


- We will forever be grateful for the care and friendship that you gave to both mum and dad.


- Good - very good, very kind.  You couldn't do any more.  The Care Company is run very well.  Yes, I was always told about any changes beforehand.


- I mentioned that I like my coffee weaker and Isabel told everybody else!


- Bang on time, spot on; haven't been let down.  Very loyal.


- Good staff continuity.


- Very caring, very much so, puts me at great ease.


- I thoroughly enjoy your company, have a good giggle.  You make me very happy.

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